The combination of Roto and injection.

When injection molding and roto molding are combined to manufacture toys, roto molding can be used to produce flexible and elastic components like head of figurine, while injection molding can be used to produce complex and precise components like gears, body of figurine, and buttons. This combination allows for greater diversity and richness in the toys that are produced.

However, when injection molding is used to manufacture the head of a toy, mold lines and surface irregularities are a common issue that can affect the toy’s appearance and quality, and ultimately its competitiveness in the market. However, roto molding has a unique advantage in that it can process to effectively solve the problem of mold lines and surface irregularities. Also, can produce a smooth surface and precise shape for the head and other parts of the toy, resulting in a better quality and appearance that can increase the toy’s competitiveness in the market.

In conclusion, the combination of injection molding and roto molding can make the toys that are produced more diverse, visually appealing, and safe. In addition, it can effectively solve the problem of mold lines and surface irregularities, resulting in a more beautiful and precise appearance for the toy. These advantages can bring more possibilities and creativity to the manufacturing and design of higher quality toys, thus increasing their competitiveness and satisfaction in the market. With the development of technology and processes, the application of injection molding and roto molding will become increasingly widespread, bringing more innovation and improvement to the manufacturing and design of toys.

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